Friday, 11 December 2015

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Home shooting With model Doris

Photographer : babyuko (yumiko)
Model/Mua  : Doris Wang

After for 4 years bored with rule of lighting ,  so i just make it like what i'm thinking ,
and yeah  just played with the lighting around , it's fun to explore  what in your mind .

So i just turn it up  my dinning table  for the back ground , and for the hair light i cover up with my hat , which is this hat can make a brown  colour  effect ,i just hang the hat .

So this is the result , for the  above set up 

I have no backdrop , just add two lighting facing the wall , and beauty dish for the face,
I was simply grab some plastic inside my dustbin and hang on the back light  

This is the result for the above set up 

Event photography

Enquire :  whatsapp +60122885809
E-mel :

Photographer : Babyuko (yumiko)

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Behind the scene Jeremy's story

                                                              Behind the scene  Jeremy's story

                                        Supposed  our project already end , because of haze  that always postpone our shooting , we can't do anything , it so many scene left behind , we will continue again soon .., can't wait for the movie premier

Photographer : Babyuko (yumiko)
Make up :  Babyuko (yumiko)

Camera man 

Main actor for Jeremy's story 

Director & Camera man 

Amy the nice  2nd director , i just love her attitude , it too nice and had working  girl 
Extra actor as a Dr.

Amy ( director)
Ray (Main director)
Shi shi ( Cemra man) 

Jeremy's  act as  sick man 

Hmmm we don't have any extra  people anymore , so director decided to use camera man as a extra people , hahahaha

Mel (extra)  and Teh ( actor) 

Kitchen scene 

House scene